Got a new lock for my birthday, a Kryptonite Evolution Mini-5. A perfect choice imho for the quick and practical locking solition. Fits perfect in the Rapha belt and jeans 😉
Author: Mordiiax
Honda Accord Tourer 2011
Jag har bytt bil. Från Honda CR-V 2001 till en tio år nyare Honda Accord Tourer i-DTEC Executive. Det innebär svart färg, svart skinn, automat, glastaklucka, kombi, fjärrbaklucka, 10 högtalare, elstolar, blåtandshandsfree och mycket annat gott. I denna skrivande stund så har vi precis efter två veckors ägande även fått hundgrindar på plats från Jeppes. Skitläckert va? 😀
Fatty ride
Felt Double Double 30
New bike parts again ;)
A quadlock for my phone. The kit includes a phone case for everyday use. When you hop on the bike, you just snap the phone in place and there it is just in front of you.
Also i did not like the seat post clamp on the seat post. It was impossible to adjust one thing without ruining the other. So the Easton EC90 was on sale at and after some reading, it was supposed to be good.
Today i got it in the mail and i immediately started installing it.
I got a weight reduction of 124 grams and that compensates the bar ends 😉
Almost done with the bike :)
I present to you – my allround, kinder egg, commuter, trekking, touring and beer bicycle 😀
Modification list:
*KCNC Titanium pedals.
*Brooks Flyer saddle.
*Brooks Isle of Wight medium saddle bag.
*BBB bar ends in carbon fibre.
*Elite custom race bottle cages.
*Easton EC90 seat post.
*Quad lock iPhone holder.
KCNC Knife aka Road Platform – Blue and titanium.
Just got my new pedals from KCNC. After a lot of searching around i found these very interesting.
*60mm long and 50mm wide.
*7075 aluminium machined in a ‘K’ shape.
*Anodized in blue.
*Weight of 70 grams per pedal.
*Spindel is in a “DLC” (Diamond-like carbon) coating to improve wear and reduce friction agains the pedal’s needle bearing.
*Matches my bikes colors like a charm 😀
Here are som close-ups and regular pictures since the internet lacks them 😉
Camping cutlery
“New” panniers and camping lantern.
I saw and ad on the web with a pair of panniers for sale. 250 SEK (~28€). Well, i had to phone him and see if they where still avaliable. Sure they was! And even better, they had never even been used.
They are not brand new though. He bought them in the 90’s and never got about to do some long distance cycling so they have just been sitting in a storage room, waiting for me to pick them up 😉
The brand is a dutch company called Agu Sport and the model is Quorum 550.
They are rain repellant, include a rain cover, has a larger pocket on the front and smaller one on the side for like a water bottle. Together they hold 38 litres of volume and that is well within my requirements 🙂
I also took a gamble and bought a really cheap camping lantern containing a number of LED´s. Light weight, feels sturdy enough and the four AA batterys are sure going to last a week. Adjustable light intensity aswell.
Soon i should start looking at cookware…

New stuff for my bike. BROOKS!!! :D
Got some cool stuff for my bike. A Brooks Flyer Classic saddle, a Brooks Isle of Wight saddle bag, two Elite custom race black bottle cages, RCP Tool Comp multi tool, Hiplok pop lock, two Elite Corsa water bottles and RCP Big Air Two foot pump.
I feel very satisfied with everything. The packaging of the Brooks stuff was amazing, pure plus value on those products! The saddle itself is great with the springs in the rear. Takes the edge of those nasty, sharp bumps in the road without being spungy.