#1 2010-12-28 19:18:21
Rädda Ringen!
Why "Save The Nurburgring"?
From 2007 - 2009 the German government built a huge Leisure Park at the Nürburgring. It is based on fake visitor numbers, oversized and badly executed. Most of the time it is an empty ghost town. Once promised as private investment, it is now based on a debt of 350+ million EUR public money.
Instead of pulling the plug they rented the park - including both race tracks - to exactly the same privateers (Kai Richter, Jörg Lindner), who were driving forces behind the Leisure Park's initial private setup.
Without Racing experience they are since experimenting with events completely unrelated to Motorsport (German Volksmusik for example, another one here) - all under the iconic "Nürburgring" brand name.
They now want Nordschleife to pay for the huge losses of "NüroDisney": record prices and bundled packages for tourist drives plus a 5 times increase for the automotive industry in rent for their prototype testing sessions.
What needs to be done?
#Seperate Nordschleife from ring°park.
#Let Nürburgring be Motorsport.
#Value the great heritage and tradition, rather than Roller Coasters.
#Replace Lindner/Richter by Motorsport experts.
How can you help to Save The Ring?
#Tell your friends and spread the word, join us on Facebook.
#Keep yourself informed and question the official Nürburgring (= Lindner/Richter) communication.
#Write to European Commissioner Joaquín Almunia (joaquin.almunia [at] ec.europa.eu).
#When visiting the Ring, support local family businesses.
#Help to raise our voice, contribute ideas and actions, let's save the 'Ring!
Read here for the latest updates!
Compello.se ► Admin
Honda Civic Tourer
Honda Jazz
Honda Civic 1300
#3 2010-12-29 19:59:25
Re: Rädda Ringen!
Spread the word!
[b]W[/b]hy "Save The Nurburgring"? From 2007 - 2009 the German government built a huge [url=http://ringumbau.de/misc/2010/Nuerburgring_2009_Leisure_Park.jpg]Leisure Park[/url] at the Nürburgring. It is based on [url=http://jalopnik.com/tag/savethering/]fake visitor numbers[/url], oversized and badly executed. Most of the time it is an empty ghost town. Once promised as private investment, it is now based on a debt of 350+ million EUR public money. [img]http://ringumbau.de/misc/2010/Erlebnisgrab_2009.png[/img] Instead of pulling the plug they rented the park -[b] including both race tracks[/b] - to exactly the same privateers ([url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=31&start=0]Kai Richter[/url], [url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=149#p321]Jörg Lindner[/url]), who were driving forces behind the Leisure Park's initial private setup. Without Racing experience they are since experimenting with events completely unrelated to Motorsport ([url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=149#p321]German Volksmusik[/url] for example, another one [url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=267]here[/url]) - all under the iconic "Nürburgring" brand name. They now want Nordschleife to pay for the huge losses of "NüroDisney": [url=http://20832.com/misc/2010/Preise_Touristenfahrten_Nordschleife_2011.jpg]record prices[/url] and bundled packages for tourist drives plus a 5 times increase for the automotive industry in rent for their prototype testing sessions. [b]W[/b]hat needs to be done? [b]#[/b]Seperate Nordschleife from ring°park. [b]#[/b]Let Nürburgring be Motorsport. [b]#[/b]Value the great heritage and tradition, rather than [url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10]Roller Coasters[/url]. [b]#[/b]Replace [url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=68]Lindner[/url]/[url=http://ringumbau.de/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=31&start=0]Richter[/url] by Motorsport experts. [b]H[/b]ow can you help to Save The Ring? [b]#[/b]Tell your friends and spread the word, [url=http://facebook.com/SaveTheRing]join us on Facebook[/url]. [b]#[/b]Keep yourself informed and question the [url=http://www.nuerburgring.de/en/home.html]official Nürburgring[/url] (= Lindner/Richter) communication. [b]#[/b]Write to European Commissioner [url=http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/almunia/contact/commissioner/index_en.htm]Joaquín Almunia[/url] (joaquin.almunia [at] ec.europa.eu). [b]#[/b]When visiting the Ring, support local family businesses. [b]#[/b]Help to raise our voice, contribute ideas and actions, let's save the 'Ring! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RplEKGs6Yj4[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf0rvPwap28[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKeXbvTZ9Y[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjDWiXoBdkw[/youtube] [url=http://savethering.org/]Read here for the latest updates![/url]
Compello.se ► Admin
Honda Civic Tourer
Honda Jazz
Honda Civic 1300
#4 2010-12-29 20:12:05
- Bengan
- Medlem
- Från: Sollefteå
- Registrerad: 2005-11-09
Re: Rädda Ringen!
Jag förstår inte riktigt vad som är problemet..Folk kallar ju både frukten banan och banan för banan, och ingen har väl problem att se skillnaden?
Lite som "sjukt bra", hur nånsin "sjukt" skulle kunna vara "bra"..
Senast redigerat av Bengan (2010-12-29 20:13:21)
Bengan Olofsson
#6 2011-01-06 00:37:25
Re: Rädda Ringen!
Jag måste faktiskt säga att det luktar lite om det här. Vad exakt skulle hända om Ringen gick i kk? Jag tror knappast att man skulle göra vetefält av alltihop, utan nya ägare skulle naturligtvis ta över driften av banan. Att det står en totalt missanpassad nöjespark där är väl mera tyska statens problem. Ingen vettig entreprenör (som då leasar anläggningen av staten) skulle ta på sig nöjesparken också eftersom siffrorna har varit röda sen starten. Ringen kanske tillochmed skulle må bra av nya ägare med en annan inställning till driften?
Mvh / Stefan Sjödin
#7 2011-01-06 00:51:40
Re: Rädda Ringen!
Grejen är väl att dom kommer inte att konka på ett tag och det är banåkarna som får ta en stor smäll för att det ska stå ett icke fungerande nöjesfält mitt i alltet.
4200 spänn för 25 varv, ganska gött
Compello.se ► Admin
Honda Civic Tourer
Honda Jazz
Honda Civic 1300
#8 2011-01-06 03:02:19
Re: Rädda Ringen!
Det förutsätter ju att banan kommer att användas i samma utsträckning som innan prishöjningarna, vilket jag har svårt att tro, speciellt med höjningarna för biltillverkarna som förmodligen kommer att vända banan ryggen. Mindre intäkter + eskalerande kostnader + en mer och mer missnöjd stat (Richter/Lindner har ju faktiskt brutit både löften och kontrakt tidigare) bör ju rimligen resultera i konkurs.
Mvh / Stefan Sjödin
#9 2011-01-11 23:56:41
Re: Rädda Ringen!
"Despite the massive loan of 330 Million Euros plus an additional 40 Million to cover debts of the original Nürburgring GmbH, an extra 33 Million loan has made the headlines today. 330 + 40 + 33 ... we are officially at 403 Million Euros now, which sits on the shoulders of Nürburgring GmbH"
Compello.se ► Admin
Honda Civic Tourer
Honda Jazz
Honda Civic 1300